MGHD Graduand -Yonas Hagos, takes on the Challenge to Promote Affordable Quality Health Care for Vulnerable Communities in Global South
This is one in a series of stories highlighting a few MGHD 2023 graduands ahead of their commencement on 6th August 2023. Yonas Gebregiorgis Hagos, an MGHD student from Ethiopia, believes that, […]
MGHD Graduand, Peace Iraguha: A Journey Towards Health Equity
This is one in a series of stories highlighting a few MGHD 2023 graduands ahead of their commencement on 6th August 2023. Peace Iraguha, a driven individual with a passion […]
MGHD Graduand, Mohammad Tareq Orfali Advocates for a Healthier and Sustainable Earth
This is one in a series of stories highlighting a few MGHD 2023 graduands ahead of their commencement on 6th August 2023. Moving from the United Arab Emirates (UAE) to […]
Marie Louise Mujawimana on the right, One of the beneficiaries of the UGHE’s Entrepreneurship Program being visited by Inkomoko Trainers Tackling Socioeconomic Determinants of Health Through Entrepreneurship Program
While many international human rights recognize health as a right, it is crucial to know that health interdepends and intersects with other economic rights. Economic factors are at the root […]
Oveka Jana, UGHE alumna from the MGHD Class of 2021, Health Management Option. UGHE Alumna Oveka Jana Advocates for Sustainable Health Financing in Public Health
Although there are numerous barriers to adequate healthcare in low- and middle-income countries, the crux of the matter is a lack of sustainable health financing, which leads to insufficient resources, […]
Blami Dao, MGHD’23 Student at UGHE. Photo by Pacifique Mugemana / UGHE “One Should Never Stop Learning“- MGHD Student Speaks on How Continuous Education Improves Health Care Performance
Constant learning is essential for public health practitioners, irrespective of their age or level of experience. By keeping abreast of the latest healthcare research and best practices, senior practitioners can […]
Dr. Tomlin Paul, UGHE’s Dean of Research, Innovation, and Quality (second from the right), is captured here in the moment of receiving a well-deserved award. UGHE Recognized Internationally for its Community Engagement and Higher Education Excellence
The University of Global Health Equity (UGHE) has received the Zairi International Award for “Outstanding Not-for-Profit Contribution to the Community”. The recognition was given during the Middle East and North […]
Darius Bazimya, UGHE’s INECD program Coordinator, instructing data collectors. How UGHE is Combatting Child Undernutrition in Vulnerable Communities Through Evidence-Based Interventions
Good health and nutrition are crucial for a child’s early development and well-being. In Sub-Saharan Africa, disparities in food security and balanced diets lead to higher rates of morbidity and […]
UGHE Celebrates International Women’s Day with Teen Mothers in Butaro
On March 8, 2023, in honor of International Women’s Day, UGHE’s Community Health Department, alongside the entire UGHE community, PIH Rwanda (Inshuti Mu Buzima), Butaro Health Centre, and Butaro Hospital, […]
Salome marching with the youth of Migori county for a World Cancer Day event. Building From Her Experience At UGHE, Salome Alice Sijenyi Is Putting Forth Policies To Make Primary Healthcare A Reality For All.
Salome Alice Sijenyi is one of UGHE’s 182 MGHD Alumni who are making a great impact, improving healthcare systems across the globe. Equipped with essential tools and skills acquired from […]