1. ‘I’ve also learned what it is to collaborate with others, since no man is an island, we all need others to collaborate with us if we are to effect change in places where we have seen injustices’ -Madalitso Mkata, MGHD’21

    Student Profile: Madalitso Mkata Discusses her Commitment to Health Equity, Advocating more about SRHR for Young Women and Girls, and her MGHD Learnings

    Madalitso Mkata, from Malawi, is one of twenty-three students who will receive their Master of Science in Global Health Delivery (MGHD) from UGHE at the virtual Commencement on Sunday, August […]

  2. Meet this Year’s UGHE Summer Bootcamp Participants

    Nine Dynamic Weeks of Intensive Global Health Training, Hosted by the Office of the Vice Chancellor In mid-June this year, UGHE was pleased to welcome a new cohort of interns […]