1. View of Butaro from UGHE Campus Site
    View from on top of the hill that will be home to UGHE. Photo by Aaron Levenson for UGHE.

    The Heart of Africa’s New Medical School

    Rwanda has achieved some of the most dramatic gains in health and poverty-reduction in the world. This small, landlocked African country (the size of Massachusetts, but with twice the population) […]

  2. A village in Mahama Refugee Camp in Kirehe, Rwanda, where U.N. agencies, NGO project partners and the Government of Rwanda work to ensure that 51,000 Burundian refugees are able to live with dignity. Photo by Sarah Trent/UGHE

    Reflections From Mahama Refugee Camp

    On November 5, 2016, students in the Master of Science in Global Health Delivery (MGHD) Class of 2018 participated in a field visit to Mahama Refugee Camp. Below is a […]