Featured Programs
Global private, public, and nonprofit institutions have commissioned UGHE to customize and deliver intensive trainings that develop key competencies, including health systems strengthening, leadership, management, and strategic problem solving among global health program implementers.
In all of UGHE’s Executive Education programs, learners participate in an intensive field experience that includes visits in rural healthcare delivery settings and discussions with leading global health implementers from around the world. To provide a platform for continuous learning and the immediate application of skills, UGHE frequently incorporates a breakthrough project component into its short courses. Participants, in teams or individually, are matched with faculty mentors who provide support through project design, implementation, and evaluation.
Programs include:
Global Health Delivery Leadership Program (GHDLP) (En Français)

Developed in 2016 in collaboration with the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, the Global Health Delivery Leadership Program (GHDLP) is an annual, six-month program that includes a two-week Rwanda residency, five to six months of distance coaching, and a final three day convening in Rwanda. It is designed to bring emerging leaders and technical experts in Ministries of Health and non-governmental and civil society organizations together in country teams to identify, understand, and address a key challenge in global health delivery. The program combines sessions offering foundational skills in management and leadership with case-based and field learning that explore real-world delivery challenges and innovative solutions, equipping learners with the skills they need to deliver value-based health programs in their own context. After an intensive two-week session on campus, participants complete a six-month project implementation period, with guidance and support from a mentor.
- Download the GHDLP program – English brochure
- Download the GHDLP program – French brochure
- GHDLP Alumni Spotlight: Irene Murungi (2018)
- GHDLP Alumni Spotlight: Titus K. Koikoi (2016-2017)
Atlantic Fellows For Health Equity (AFHE)
UGHE partners with George Washington University’s Health Workforce Institute to develop and host the mid-year convening of the Atlantic Fellows for Health Equity Fellowship Program, a year-long program for early to mid-career health sector professionals with demonstrated leadership skills and a commitment to health equity. The delivery intensive at UGHE complements fellows’ prior training in comparative international health systems, social determinants of health, health as a human right, and health policy by strengthening their understanding of the global/developing world’s perspective on health equity.
Expanded Programme on Immunization Leadership and Management Programme (EPI LAMP)
UGHE, in partnership with Yale University’s Global Health Leadership Institute, PATH, and Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, designed a nine-month blended, team-based learning program to strengthen national leadership and management of immunization programs. The first edition of Expanded Programme on Immunization Leadership and Management Programme (EPI LAMP) provided management and leadership training for 24 participants in leadership roles in immunization programs in Gavi-supported countries, including the Gambia, India, Liberia, Rwanda and Zambia. EPI LAMP’s team-based learning model combines e-learning modules, face-to-face intensives in Rwanda and a mentored “breakthrough project” to apply new ways of working and improve immunization program performance.