Jean D'Amour Tuyishimire, MBA

Campus Operations Manager

Jean D’Amour Tuyishimire joined the University of Global Health Equity as the Campus Operations Manager in January 2022. Prior to joining UGHE, Jean D’Amour was working at Zipline, a US logistics company that uses unmanned aircraft (drones) to deliver blood and essential medical products to different health facilities. In his tenure of 5 years working at Zipline, He served different roles including Fulfillment Operations Lead, Operations Coordinator and also became the Head of Health System Integration department. He supported the company in setting up and scaling the operations in Rwanda, Ghana and US. He also led the efforts of engaging different government partners, such as the Ministry of Health and other affiliated institutions, Rwanda Information Society Authority (RISA) to smoothly integrate drones’ technology into the existing health system to maximize the impact along with coordinating the operations team to unblock any operational or process issues. Jean D’Amour holds a master’s in Business Administration from Adventist University of Central Africa (AUCA), and a Bachelor of Science – Honours degree in Biotechnology Studies from the University of Rwanda.