Deborah Umucyo
Coordinator, Center for Gender Equity
Deborah Umucyo (she/her), is the Coordinator for the Center for Gender Equity and a graduate from California Baptist University with a B.A. in International Studies, a minor in Anthropology, and a concentration in International Business. Prior to joining UGHE, she taught at the Guangxi Normal University for Normalities, Chongzuo, Southern China.
While at UGHE, Umucyo has served in several capacities and has been an integral part of various monumental academic and research projects and programs, such as the Women Leaders in Global Health (WLGH) 2019 Conference; a first-of-its-kind Gender and Diversity Inclusion Audit, its ensuing Gender and Diversity Policy and a Gender Transformative Strategy in the works; the launch a global Mentorship Program; and gender-focused research projects.
Umucyo is passionate about gender, inclusion, and Black liberation, as well as past and current works being done to actively dismantle systems of oppression against marginalized groups, specifically in relation to women, and girls, LGBTQIA+, people living with disabilities and the socioeconomically vulnerable. As an Impact Officer for the Kigali Global Shapers Hub, an initiative of the World Economic Forum, she evaluates the outcomes versus intent of the hub’s projects in the community. She hopes to challenge power dynamics in gender and socioeconomics.