UGHE Researcher in Residence

Hosted by the Institute of Global Health Equity Research

What is UGHE’s Researcher in Residence Fellowship? 

Developed by the Institute of Global Health Equity Research, UGHE’s newFellowship is aimed at generating high-quality, high-impact research addressing global health inequities through the establishment of lasting and productive research partnerships and collaborations between research active UGHE staff and leading researchers from international research institutions.

Why Did We Develop This? 

  • To build enduring relationships between UGHE researchers and researchers from international institutions.
  • To increase research activity, research income, research publications, and research training at UGHE.
  • To increase the impact of UGHE research.
  • To promote UGHE and IGHER within the international research community.

What Are the Requirements to Apply?

  • The application must be jointly submitted by a research active UGHE staff member and a research active member of an international research institution (non-UGHE applicant).
  • The application should specify draft titles for the presentations to be made and the manuscript to be submitted.
  • The application should specify the funding body and funding scheme to which the funding application will be submitted.
  • Evidence should be provided of an existing relationship between the two applicants.
  • The non-UGHE applicant must be able to commit to spending 6 weeks at UGHE in Rwanda in the year in which the Fellowship is awarded.

What Is Covered?

  • Return flights for the international Fellow
  • Accommodation while in Rwanda in either Kigali or Butaro
  • A per diem allowance of $50 per day for 6 weeks
  • A 6-week stipend of $500 per week

What Are The Expected Outcomes?

  • A minimum of 2 research-based presentations to the UGHE community that are relevant to global health inequity;
  • At least one draft research-based manuscript addressing an aspect of global health inequity ready to be submitted to a. peer-reviewed journal;
  • At least one funding application for research that will benefit Rwanda and the region; and
  • At least one brief online research training course specifying learning outcomes, content, and assessment.

Key Dates: 

  • 7 May | Virtual information and launch session
  • 11 June | Closing date for applications
  • 1 July | Announcement of Fellowship


Email Prof. Tim Carey, Director, Institute of Global Health Equity Research at tcarey@