UGHE's 2022 Global Health Summer Bootcamp

Hosted by the Office of the Vice Chancellor


The University of Global Health Equity (UGHE) is a global health sciences university based in Rwanda and an initiative of the Partners In Health organization. Through its proven equity agenda, it strives to train the next generation of global health leaders and change makers to deliver more equitable, quality health services for all. UGHE is committed to providing a holistic education for all its students, equipping them with the tools to go on to maintain, repair and strengthen equitable health systems across the world, that leave no one out. To help future leaders acquire a deep understanding of the complex interplay between health-care systems and the social determinants of health affecting the world’s most vulnerable, UGHE has developed an annual Global Health Summer Bootcamp.   

 UGHE’s Office of the Vice Chancellor hosts a cohort of summer interns every year with the aim of developing young global health leaders’ understanding of equity in health systems building and health care delivery. In the past, this internship program has convened these students in Rwanda to learn from the actual situation on the ground. However, due to COVID-19 pandemic, UGHE will run the summer bootcamp virtually, providing interns the opportunity to learn from the Rwandan health system and various leaders in the field.With the world having faced a global pandemic that disproportionately affected mostly the vulnerable in all communities, and the emergence of new threats such as climate change it is crucial that the global health leaders of tomorrow understand how resilient health systems are built, repaired and/or reorganized to ensure no one is left out.  

 Since the aftermath of the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi, Rwanda has achieved major health milestones, largely attributed to the centering of equity in all levels health systems planning and implementation. The improvements that were born through this can be seen today; life expectancy has risen by a third, vaccination coverage for children is one of the highest in the world at 98% for all recommended childhood vaccines and 93% for the HPV vaccine for girls, and maternal mortality has been reduced by 80%, as well as the exemplary management of COVID-19 pandemic to name a few. Discussions on Rwanda’s and other exemplar countries’ health systems will teach us about equity, governance, as well as efficient utilization of limited resources. While improvements to health remain a continuous process and a long-standing commitment, it is evident that adaptability, collaboration, inclusiveness, equity and resilience serve as cornerstones for countries’ health systems to lay strong foundations for an effective response to any health crises we will inevitably face in the future. This is especially evident  with COVID-19 pandemic responses during which resilient healthcare systems have proven critical to the maintenance of the delivery of existing healthcare service. We will explore this in Rwanda and in other exemplar countries.   

 Aligning with the Bootcamp’s goal to familiarize participants with what global health equity and delivery looks like in practice, successful applicants will, for nine dynamic weeks, participate in online presentations and webinars led by global health professionals, and in research projects. We hope participants will leave with a strong understanding of equitable health intervention planning and delivery leveraging and learning from the Rwandan health system model. 

 “Before I joined the summer bootcamp, I had limited knowledge about the Rwandan healthcare system.  I now know how different sectors such as religious organizations, NGOs, the ministry of health, Rwanda Biomedical center as well as healthcare professionals especially community healthcare workers are working together towards achieving health equity. I have been working on a research project exploring gender differences in sources of sexual and reproductive health among African youth so I have been learning how to conduct desk reviews, literature search and I have gained analytical and writing skills. I hope to become a nurse researcher and my participation in the bootcamp is undoubtedly a stepping stone to my dream career.”–Gloria Mpundu, Rwanda (Summer Bootcamp Intern 2021) 

“Integrated health programing is critical in ensuring the sustainability of health systems”. In the next five years, I see myself in a position with more responsibilities in the global health arena. The summer boot camp has prepared me to apply a global perspective when managing health programs.”— Ombaka Brian, Kenya (Summer Bootcamp Intern 2021) 

Read more stories from 2021 Summer Bootcamp interns here 

 Participant Requirements  

Applicants must be enrolled in an accredited higher learning institution and without other obligations and fully free for three months. They should also have a strong interest in global health and social justice. We will be recruiting four Rwandan students and four non-Rwandan students to spend 9 weeks learning intensively about global health equity and delivery using the Rwandan and several other countries health care system as examples.  

The participants will be paired, with each pair made up of a Rwandan student and a non- Rwandan student for the duration of the bootcamp. Each pair will undertake a desk research project and be expected to submit and present their findings at the end of the bootcamp.  

 A participation fee of 2000 USD will be required, however, there could be scholarships offered to Rwandan students. 

All participants must have valid insurance and a working internet connection as this bootcamp will be fully virtual.  

 Application process 

Interested applicants can upload their CVs, letters of intent describing their interests and what they hope to gain from this bootcamp, and letter of recommendation from their institution here by May 7th, 2022 at noon CAT. Applicants will be invited for interviews and offers will be made following the interview process. The summer bootcamp will run from June 6th, 2022-August 5th, 2022 

If you have any questions, please address them to rmuvunyi@ 


Participants will meet with the Vice Chancellor’s office research team to discuss progress on their research projects every week.  

On a weekly basis, participants will also participate in webinars led by various health professionals on the principles of global health equity using examples from the Rwandan health system. For every topic, participants will receive pre-reading materials, meet as a group for a video presentation followed by a group discussion on what was presented and how it compares to other settings.  

 Schedule and Weekly Topics: 

Week 1: Introduction to UGHE, Initiation to Global Health Equity in Service Delivery, and the Rwandan Health System 

Week 2: National Community Health Workers Program at Village Level 

Week 3: Service Delivery at Community Health Facilities: Health centers and health posts 

Week 4: Health Service Delivery at District, Provincial, and Referral Hospitals  

Week 5: Equitable Health Sector Management: Ministry of Health and Affiliated Organizations 

Week 6: Non-Governmental Sector Contributions to Health Service Delivery 

Week 7: Equitable Health Service Delivery in Refugee Camps 

Week 8: Integration of Mental health in Health Science Delivery 

Week 9: Final Presentations of Research Results and Wrap-up