UGHE's Research Showcase Day

Hosted by the Institute of Global Health Equity Research

Date: Friday, 20th August, 2021

Timings: 8:30am – 4:30pm CAT


Hosted by the Institute of Global Health Equity Research, UGHE’s Research Showcase will be a one-day, highly interactive event held on Butaro Campus and streamed virtually spotlighting a diverse cross-section of cutting-edge research at UGHE. Participants will hear firsthand from a variety of staff and student experts as they unpack their research findings on live panel presentations throughout the day, and view poster presentations bringing to life the impact UGHE research has in addressing health inequities around the world.

Prizes awarded for the best poster and presentation by staff and students delivered during the day. Catering will be provided in both Butaro and Kigali Heights.

Join us for an eye-opening day of discovery!

Do you want to present a poster or deliver a presentation at UGHE’s Research Showcase Day? 

We are actively seeking student and staff submissions of posters and presentations to feature on the day, with prizes awarded to the most impactful research in each category. Kindly submit your abstracts using the form below.

Application Eligibility: Applications are encouraged from all active UGHE staff and student researchers who address some aspect of global health inequity in their research. Applications about completed research, research in progress, and research being planned will all be considered. A limited number of presentation spaces are available but applications that are accepted which cannot be offered a presentation space will have the opportunity to prepare a poster instead. 

Applications Close on the 25th June, 2021. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to Prof. Tim Carey – tcarey@ – Director of the Institute of Global Health Equity Research if you have any questions about submissions or the day itself.